Pak Falconry Assocation - Guest Book

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Name: Karl Pock
Subject: falconry
Comments: Greetings from Vienna Austria from Karl Pock

Name: Falkenmeister Karl Pock Vienna Austria
Subject: falknerei
Comments: Wunderbar Ihre Aussendung alle Gute und Falknersheil

Name: jose manuel
Subject: felicidades señores
Comments: me a motibado mucho esta pagina web y me agrada mucho ver como la cetreria hace amacijos de amigos,llo soy de españa y es para mi una gran satisfacion haber disfrutado de esta web,saludos cordiales para todos aquellos que hacen de la cetreria algo especial, gracias

Name: m.danish khan
Subject: feelings about your wonderful wedsite
Comments: i wish to intimate that i am feeling very glad and happiness after seeing your website.I is really very good effort to save our falconry heritage.It also helps to those who wants to be falconer, and provides a platform for falconers.I really want to join your association

Name: Imran Khan
Subject: Congratulation
Comments: i am very happy to see the website. Its a good job thats done by you.Now i think that u have a plateform and i am also sure about the talent in falconery in keep it up. Best Regards Imran Khan

Name: Arslan Mustafa Blouch
Subject: Congradulations
Comments: I may say that this is really a great job making this website which will InshaAllah become the plateform for all the falconers of Pakistan.This is really what we needed badly.This is really shameful for our leaders that they are selling our heritage and letting the Arabs destroy our flora and fauna. All we need is to join hands and make our government think that if any action would not be taken, Falconry which is our heritage will vanish one day

Name: Umar ALi Khan
Subject: keeping Falconry Alive in Pak
Comments: this is a really nice effort done to raise people awareness about this beautiful sport,and also to gather falconers across the coutry.I love falconry and administrating the Page "Pakistan Falconry" on facebook, thankyou.

Name: Ghazanfar khan
Subject: Great work
Comments: Very Marvelous work in this aspect. We need this association at this time when falconry in Pakistan is its decline due to government policies and high prices of bird. we really need a sacrificing work in this aspect to promotes and keep this healthy sport alive. Me and my team of falconers are here in Multan is ready to help in all of turns and hurdles in our way.

Name: Patrick Morel
Subject: website
Comments: Congratulations for your website. This all remember me a trip in Chritral in the early seventies where I could witness some trapping of goshawks and sparrow-hawks in Dir. Good to learn from you. Kind regards Patrick Morel Former president of the IAF

Subject: doing some thing productive
Comments: dear all, this is a great step towards a great game which is the tradition of pakhtuns for centuries. i think Pakistan falconar is setting a milestone towards a great future of falconary in pakistan. i think the iaf should support this cause. i have no doubt in the talent of falconry in Pakistan. and i appeal to the nation as well to support this great activity.
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